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Launch of new Engineering course

This week, we launched a new course designed to introduce Engineering. It explores the fundamentals of how engineering is undertaken and looks at the role of engineers and their involvement in engineering around the world. Learners get the chance to hear from some world-famous engineers and creative people and pursue their own design projects. The…

PADILEIA course featured in Skills Toolkit

We were delighted to see our Introduction to Business Management course has been selected by the Department for Education as part of their Skills Toolkit offering. Skills Toolkit is a set of courses put together to help people within the UK who are out of work or looking to change careers to upskill or reskill. Our…

PADILEIA MOOC showcased by Google

One of our MOOCs Entrepreneurship: From Business Idea to Action, which is delivered through our FutureLearn platform, has been selected to be part of their Grow stronger with the Google campaign.  This is a 4-week course, designed by King’s Online and King’s Business School for refugees, displaced people and the communities supporting them in the…

Year 4 of AABU certificate program begins

The fourth year of the Certificate Program began on October 4, 2020. Sixty (60) students have enrolled in the Program. Delivered at AABU, instructors teach the students English Language, Basic Mathematics, Fundamentals of IT, and Web Design and Development in Term One. The teaching is delivered through blended learning, with the classroom based teaching being…


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